Planetary Planter is an open-world, third-person farming game. Instead of growing vegetables, you grow celestial bodies, such as planets and stars. After harvesting these crops, you place them in the sky to create solar systems and constellations. I started work on this project from August 2021 to May 2022. We published the game on May 16th, 2022 on Steam.


The opening page of the Almanac, the repository of lore in Planetary Planter.


On this small team, I took on the role of Lead Narrative Designer. I was in charge of fleshing out our game’s world through a story that the player could experience unfold as they completed more and more constellations, as well as writing lore entries for the items and entities in the game for our almanac, a collection of these story and lore entries. I developed different writing processes for both the story and the lore entries.


The first piece of story the player unlocks after completing their first solar system.


A tutorial I wrote for when the player accidentally lets one of their crops rot.


When writing the story for Planetary Planter, I was met with a challenge: how do I tell a compelling narrative in a farming game, a genre with low stakes and low stress? I realized that constellations almost always have myths and legends attached to them. Since the player is building constellations, what if their character was memorializing a new legend?

From there, I did research on what makes constellations compelling. One of the strongest aspects of constellations is that they have shapes that different cultures can recognize as the same thing, so I chose to make the constellations that the player is creating simple, recognizable shapes, such as a watering can or a campfire.

After that, I worked with our level designer to determine how many solar systems would make up each constellation, and split the story that constellation was telling into that many pieces. This way, when the player completes one solar system, they get one piece of the narrative, encouraging them to play more to get more story.


The Almanac entry I wrote about the Squimbus, an enemy that can steal items from the player. The fun fact teaches the player that when they see a squimbus, useful items are nearby.


The Almanac entry I wrote for Asteroid Seeds, an item in the game. The fun fact teaches the player about real-life asteroids.


For the item and entity entries in the almanac, I was given the challenge of writing dozens of entries and making them entertaining to read, rather than tedious. First, I created a list of all the items and entities in the game that would need almanac entries, as well as what conditions would need to be met in order to unlock this entry.

Next, I set about writing the entries for a given item. I decided to write these entries from the perspective of the Farmer, the character the player is playing as. This way, I could both keep the entries entertaining by writing in a lighthearted and occasionally humorous manner, while also giving the player an insight into the character they’re playing as.

Finally, I did research on the real world version of the item or entity the entry is on, such as stars or asteroids, and put a fun fact in at the bottom of the entry. This way, they player can be both entertained and learn something about outer space in real life.


Lead Narrative Designer / QA Manager - Zach Ginsburg

Lead Producer - Jacob Lipski

Producer / Communication Manager - Colin Grier

Lead Designer / Level Designer - Daniel Claps

Sound Designer - Mac Soulsby

UI/UX Designer / Systems Designer - Elijah Wakeling

Lead Artist / 2D Artist / Product Owner - Sarah Shaw

Environmental Artist / Texture and Material Artist - Nathan Luman

Creature and Rigging Artist / Animator - Chase Peterson-Gurak

Environmental Artist - Jacob Lazarek

Lead Programmer / UI Programmer - Nicholas Pries

Gameplay Programmer - Daniel Hartman

AI Programmer - Matthew Esslie

Graphics Programmer / Version Control - Henry Chronowski

Composer - Nicolo Pacella


Planetary Panic


Package Retrieval: A Narrative Adventure in Lamplight